Students who wish to hold a job or explore additional interests while they pursue higher education may want to consider enrolling in online college courses that can help them earn associates degrees quickly.
Online college degree programs can enable students to determine which career path they wish to enter after graduation. As not all entering college freshmen are immediately certain what they wish to study, an associates degree program could help them explore a general field and earn credits that they can apply to a more advanced degree later.
Students may choose to enroll in a two-year program in general studies, criminal justice, business administration, teacher education, entrepreneurship and liberal arts - all of which are offered in an online format through several community colleges across the country, The Batavian reports.
These programs could help students complete a bachelors degree program in a more specific field, or lead to a lucrative new career.
Individuals who hold a two-year degree earn approximately 49 percent more per year than workers who only have a high school diploma, according to, an employment search engine.