Video game design is a highly innovative and competitive field. As a result, individuals who wish to enter this sector may want to consider enrolling in classroom-based or online college courses that can help them stay abreast of emerging trends in the industry.
Fortunately, many campus-based and online colleges are beginning to launch degree programs that focus on certain aspects of the industry.
For instance, Delaware Online reports that a Wilmington-based school will begin allowing bachelors degree seekers to major in video game development this fall. School officials say that this course of study will provide gamers with a fun and challenging curriculum, which will include classes in calculus and physics.
Individuals who wish to enroll in similar programs may want to consider choosing a specialization, such as programming or design, as graduates of these courses of study are typically better prepared to land jobs after they have earned their degrees, according to the news source.
Career opportunities for video game professionals are expected to be high in the future, as the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the software publishing industry is slated to grow by 30 percent over the next eight years.