As many companies are now conducting business over the internet, several of these organizations are recognizing the need to protect their electronic assets. Consequently, job prospects for individuals who have the skills to manage web-based databases are expected to grow over the next few years.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for computer and information systems managers is slated to increase by 17 percent over the next eight years. As a result, many campus-based and online colleges are consulting industry experts to develop degree programs that will produce adequately prepared graduates.
For example, an Illinois-based school recently worked with IBM to create a masters program in predictive analytics as well as a new Center for Data Mining and Predictive Analytics.
Enrollees in the graduate program will be required to complete 30 courses on subjects such as analyzing large data sets, developing modeling solutions to support efficient decision-making, the foundations of marketing and customer relationship management as well as presenting technical information to a business audience.
Individuals who complete similar campus-based or online college degree programs may qualify for information technology positions in a variety of industries, such as healthcare, green building, sustainable energy, education, public service or transportation.